Have you ever wished for a local guide who enjoys doing the same things as you do? Well, Localize is a fun app that can help you find a perfect host when you are traveling to an unfamiliar city. Localize lets our traveling users find local-host users in the city where they are traveling to, based on the common interests the two parties share. With Localize, with a few simple clicks, you will be able to enjoy a quality trip!
Idea: To build an app that matches newcomers in Seattle with the locals: places to see and what to do
Target Audience: people who are on a bussiness trip,vacation, international visitors
Problem: Yet to come
User Stories:
- As a user, I want to be able to log in via Google/Facebook or sign up using a valid email address, sign up to be a member
- As a user, I want to be able to conviniently locate the nearest local with similar interests.
- As a user, I want to be able to enter my trip information and receive ratings.
- turn web into a mobile app
- Google Maps API
- Live chat
## Part 1- Getting started:
- NPM install all dependencies
- Create a user profile
- view all memmbers and connect with the locals
### Highlights of our page features
- Encrypted authentication
- Good data flow & transition
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